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Elementor #450

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robert singleton polemics readings WIKAL 2.3 The intellectual innovations of two men were integral to the creation of FOL. FOL is a synthesis of these… Read More »Elementor #450

Elementor #434

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robert singleton polemics readings WIKAL 1.2 There exists First Order Logic (FOL) and Second Order Logic (SOL). There are other distinct logical systems which operate… Read More »Elementor #434

WIKAL epigraph

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robert singleton polemics readings WIKAL there are socially defined thresholds of understanding calibrated by mutual recognition, arranged in ascending institutional hierarchies of increasing capacity… This… Read More »WIKAL epigraph


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robert singleton polemics readings WIKAL JH Prynne, ‘Kazoo Dreamboats; or, On What There Is’ (2011) 1-100 ‘Along the corridor of near frequency I saw willing… Read More »1-100